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学院 专业名称 Professional name
Textile School
现代纺织技术 Modern Textile Technology
现代纺织技术(纺织工艺与贸易) Modern Textile Technology(Textile Craft and Trade)
现代纺织技术(牛仔布技术) Modern Textile Technology (Denim  Fabric Technology)
纺织品设计 Textile Design
针织技术与针织服装 Knitting Technology and Knitwear
针织技术与针织服装(针织工艺与贸易) Knitting Technology and Knitwear (Knitting Craft and Trade)
针织技术与针织服装(针织品设计) Knitting Technology and Knitwear (Knitwear Design)
纺织品检验与贸易 Textile Inspection and Trade 
纺织品检验与贸易(纺织质量管理) Textile Inspection and Trade (Textile Quality Management)
纺织品检验与贸易(纺织检测技术) Textile Inspection and Trade (Textile Testing Technology)
Light Chemistry Engineering School
染整技术 Dyeing and Finishing Technology
应用化工技术 Applied Chemical Engineering Technology
高分子材料加工技术(纺织材料) Polymeric Materials Processing Technology (Textile Materials)
高分子材料加工技术(塑料成型与贸易) Polymeric Materials Processing Technology (Plastic Molding and Trade)
环境监测与控制技术 Environmental Monitoring and Controling Technology
化妆品技术 Cosmetic Technology
Fashion School
服装设计与工艺(服装设计与工程) Fashion Design and Technology (Apparel Design and Engineering)
服装设计与工艺(服装设计与营销) Fashion Design and Technology (Apparel Design and Marketing)
服装设计与工艺(针织服装) Fashion Design and Technology (Knitwear)
服装设计与工艺(与惠州学院三二分段专本培养) Fashion Design and Technology (Cooperate with Huizhou University in the pattern of 3+2 years)
服装与服饰设计 Fashion and Accessories Design
皮具艺术设计 Leather Art Design
Art Design School
室内艺术设计 Interior Art Design
室内艺术设计(室内设计) Interior Art Design (Interior Design)
环境艺术设计 Environmental Art Design
环境艺术设计(光环境设计) Environmental Art Design (Light Environment Design)
产品艺术设计(卫浴设计) Product Art Design (Bathroom Design)
陶瓷设计与工艺(建筑陶瓷设计) Ceramic Design and Technology (Architectural Ceramic Design)
陶瓷设计与工艺(艺术陶瓷设计) Ceramic Design and Technology (Art Ceramic Design)
广告设计与制作(广告设计) Advertising Design and Production (Advertising Design)
广告设计与制作(广告摄影与设计) Advertising Design and Production (Advertising Photography and Design)
数字媒体艺术设计(网络视觉设计) Digital Media Art Design (Network Visual Design)
数字媒体艺术设计(数字动画设计) Digital Media Art Design (Digital Animation Design)
展示艺术设计 Exhibition Art Design
艺术设计(家纺产品设计) Art Design (Home Textile Product Design)
艺术设计(家纺营销与设计) Art Design (Home Textile Marketing and Design)
艺术设计(家纺陈设设计) Art Design (Home Textile Furnishing Design)
Economics  and Management School
会计 Accounting
国际贸易实务 International Trade Practice
市场营销 Marketing
电子商务 Electronic Commerce
工商企业管理 Business Administration
连锁经营管理 Chain Business Management
物流管理 Logistics Management
Applied Foreign Languages school
商务英语 Business English
商务英语(酒店英语) Business English (Hotel English)
商务英语(会展英语) Business English (Exhibition English)
应用英语(服装外贸) Applied English (Foreign Trade of Clothing)
应用英语(国际服务外包) Applied English (International Service Outsourcing)
应用英语(国际旅游) Applied English (International Tourism)
Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School
机电一体化技术 Mechatronics Technology
机电一体化技术(纺织机电技术) Mechatronics Technology (Textile Electromechanical Technology)
数控技术 Numerical Control Technology
工业设计 Industrial Design
应用电子技术(LED新型电光源) Applied Electronic Technology (LED New Electric Light Source)
工业机器人技术 Industrial Robotics Technology
汽车检测与维修技术 Vehical Inspection & Maintenance Technology 


 Information Engineering School

计算机应用技术(企业信息管理) Applied Computer Technology (Enterprise Information Management)
计算机应用技术(数字媒体) Applied Computer Technology (Digital Media)
计算机网络技术(物联网应用) Computer Network Technology (Internet of Things Application)
计算机网络技术(网站设计) Computer Network Technology (Website Design)
软件技术(软件测试) Software Technology (Software Testing)
软件技术(游戏制作) Software Technology (Game Production)
物联网应用技术 Internet of Things Application Technology
移动应用开发 Mobile Application Development