学院 | 专业名称 | Professional name |
纺织学院 Textile School |
现代纺织技术 | Modern Textile Technology |
现代纺织技术(纺织工艺与贸易) | Modern Textile Technology(Textile Craft and Trade) | |
现代纺织技术(牛仔布技术) | Modern Textile Technology (Denim Fabric Technology) | |
纺织品设计 | Textile Design | |
针织技术与针织服装 | Knitting Technology and Knitwear | |
针织技术与针织服装(针织工艺与贸易) | Knitting Technology and Knitwear (Knitting Craft and Trade) | |
针织技术与针织服装(针织品设计) | Knitting Technology and Knitwear (Knitwear Design) | |
纺织品检验与贸易 | Textile Inspection and Trade | |
纺织品检验与贸易(纺织质量管理) | Textile Inspection and Trade (Textile Quality Management) | |
纺织品检验与贸易(纺织检测技术) | Textile Inspection and Trade (Textile Testing Technology) | |
轻化工程学院 Light Chemistry Engineering School |
染整技术 | Dyeing and Finishing Technology |
应用化工技术 | Applied Chemical Engineering Technology | |
高分子材料加工技术(纺织材料) | Polymeric Materials Processing Technology (Textile Materials) | |
高分子材料加工技术(塑料成型与贸易) | Polymeric Materials Processing Technology (Plastic Molding and Trade) | |
环境监测与控制技术 | Environmental Monitoring and Controling Technology | |
化妆品技术 | Cosmetic Technology | |
服装学院 Fashion School |
服装设计与工艺(服装设计与工程) | Fashion Design and Technology (Apparel Design and Engineering) |
服装设计与工艺(服装设计与营销) | Fashion Design and Technology (Apparel Design and Marketing) | |
服装设计与工艺(针织服装) | Fashion Design and Technology (Knitwear) | |
服装设计与工艺(与惠州学院三二分段专本培养) | Fashion Design and Technology (Cooperate with Huizhou University in the pattern of 3+2 years) | |
服装与服饰设计 | Fashion and Accessories Design | |
皮具艺术设计 | Leather Art Design | |
艺术设计学院 Art Design School |
室内艺术设计 | Interior Art Design |
室内艺术设计(室内设计) | Interior Art Design (Interior Design) | |
环境艺术设计 | Environmental Art Design | |
环境艺术设计(光环境设计) | Environmental Art Design (Light Environment Design) | |
产品艺术设计(卫浴设计) | Product Art Design (Bathroom Design) | |
陶瓷设计与工艺(建筑陶瓷设计) | Ceramic Design and Technology (Architectural Ceramic Design) | |
陶瓷设计与工艺(艺术陶瓷设计) | Ceramic Design and Technology (Art Ceramic Design) | |
广告设计与制作(广告设计) | Advertising Design and Production (Advertising Design) | |
广告设计与制作(广告摄影与设计) | Advertising Design and Production (Advertising Photography and Design) | |
数字媒体艺术设计(网络视觉设计) | Digital Media Art Design (Network Visual Design) | |
数字媒体艺术设计(数字动画设计) | Digital Media Art Design (Digital Animation Design) | |
展示艺术设计 | Exhibition Art Design | |
艺术设计(家纺产品设计) | Art Design (Home Textile Product Design) | |
艺术设计(家纺营销与设计) | Art Design (Home Textile Marketing and Design) | |
艺术设计(家纺陈设设计) | Art Design (Home Textile Furnishing Design) | |
经济管理学院 Economics and Management School |
会计 | Accounting |
国际贸易实务 | International Trade Practice | |
市场营销 | Marketing | |
电子商务 | Electronic Commerce | |
工商企业管理 | Business Administration | |
连锁经营管理 | Chain Business Management | |
物流管理 | Logistics Management | |
应用外语学院 Applied Foreign Languages school |
商务英语 | Business English |
商务英语(酒店英语) | Business English (Hotel English) | |
商务英语(会展英语) | Business English (Exhibition English) | |
应用英语(服装外贸) | Applied English (Foreign Trade of Clothing) | |
应用英语(国际服务外包) | Applied English (International Service Outsourcing) | |
应用英语(国际旅游) | Applied English (International Tourism) | |
机电工程学院 Mechanical and Electrical Engineering School |
机电一体化技术 | Mechatronics Technology |
机电一体化技术(纺织机电技术) | Mechatronics Technology (Textile Electromechanical Technology) | |
数控技术 | Numerical Control Technology | |
工业设计 | Industrial Design | |
应用电子技术(LED新型电光源) | Applied Electronic Technology (LED New Electric Light Source) | |
工业机器人技术 | Industrial Robotics Technology | |
汽车检测与维修技术 | Vehical Inspection & Maintenance Technology | |
信息工程学院 Information Engineering School |
计算机应用技术(企业信息管理) | Applied Computer Technology (Enterprise Information Management) |
计算机应用技术(数字媒体) | Applied Computer Technology (Digital Media) | |
计算机网络技术(物联网应用) | Computer Network Technology (Internet of Things Application) | |
计算机网络技术(网站设计) | Computer Network Technology (Website Design) | |
软件技术(软件测试) | Software Technology (Software Testing) | |
软件技术(游戏制作) | Software Technology (Game Production) | |
物联网应用技术 | Internet of Things Application Technology | |
移动应用开发 | Mobile Application Development |